Thursday, November 16, 2006

IM Exchange

Have you ever wondered about what types of things guys IM me about? I previously shared one with you and thought I would share a snippet of another. Just want you to know that I am a real person, and not just a picture on a page.

[20:30] r_____: and you are such a very beautiful woman, and i do
mean woman
[20:30] ShemalePandora: ;-)
[20:31] ShemalePandora: Just a little, or not so little, something
[20:31] r______: every woman has a little something extra, someplace
and somewhere
[20:32] ShemalePandora: LOL
[20:32] ShemalePandora: But you rarely hear a woman say that
chocolate cake goes straight to their dick. LOL
[20:33] r______: well if it goes there, it can't go to your hips and
[20:33] ShemalePandora: Lucky me. :-)
[20:33] r______: no lucky me
[20:33] ShemalePandora: ;-)

See, you can ask me about anything! Really!


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