My Secret Admirer...

Good Morning Pandora,
I am admiring you from afar!! I visit your website often, and read your blog as soon as you update it. I am soo intrigued of the fantasies that you could play out with me, but I am having a hard time getting up the courage to call and allow myself to fantasize with such a complete woman!! You possess the most beautiful eyes that I have ever seen and your breasts are so natural looking. Even your "surprise" is breath taking. Maybe that is why I am so enticed by you. I just wanted to let you know that when I came across this picture of you on your website I just had to let you know how beautiful I think that you look in it!! Even when you are not naked, you are still one sexy lady.I received this email this morning. I'm never sure whether anyone reads my blog, but it is nice to know that some do. Here is my response to you:
Dear Mr. Secret Admirer,
Please don't be intimidated. I promise you that your
experience talking with me will be a pleasant one...for us both!